700AM GMT eleven March 2010
Previous of Images NextSteve from Buckinghamshire wants to redesign his sitting room in his locale house. "I would similar to an uncluttered but modest feel, somewhere to pile-up after a bustling operative day."
Room rescue A room in Fulham Room Rescue a gangling room Room rescue a storage room Room Rescue A New Zealand beach residence Room rescue a sitting room in west London Room rescue Revamp your residence in 3dDesign by kymont. Cost �5,873 [see subsequent image]
Steve says "This feels utterly loose a place I can put my feet up at night. However, the wall picture is a bit distracting if you wish to watch television."
Abigail Ahern says "This space goes positively down the minimal track but doesn"t scream homely. When selecting furnishings the key is to be somewhat some-more indeterminate by teaming, say, a ragged tanned hide chair with a fanciful exuberant counterpart and woollen rug. Also layer, layer, layer."
HOW TO ENTER Each week readers can put brazen a room in their residence for a 3D makeover by mydeco.com users. Their prime pattern will be assessed by pattern doyenne and mydeco unchanging Abigail Ahern
Think you can do better? Each week a opposite sketch will be rendered as an dull practical room for you to redesign. Put your pattern skills to the exam and redesign subsequent week"s room at mydeco.com/roomrescue22. Or to come in a room in your residence for a redesign, email a sketch to roomrescue@mydeco.com
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