Soldier Joe Glenton, 27, was currently locked up for refusing to lapse to quarrel in Afghanistan. Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA
A British infantryman who became a favourite to anti-war activists after refusing to lapse to Afghanistan was locked up for 9 months today, notwithstanding claims that he is pang from post-traumatic highlight disorder.
"There are most soldiers in the armed forces who have intensely upsetting experiences, who watch friends die or humour abominable injuries, but they have to lapse and do their duty," Judge Advocate Emma Peters told Lance Corporal Joe Glenton.
Glenton, 27, fled to Middle East in mid-2007, prior to he was due to begin a second debate in Afghanistan, staying abroad for dual years prior to returning to verbalise at Stop the War rallies. He wrote to Gordon Brown to malign the dispute and urge the lapse of all British troops.
The justice armed forces in Colchester, Essex, condemned him to 9 months in a troops prison for going absent but leave, after he pleaded guilty. He was in addition demoted to private. His family and supporters pronounced Glenton, who served in Afghanistan for 7 months with the Royal Logistics Corps in 2006, had been singled out since of his activism and would appeal.
Peters and a three-man row of officers deserted slackening pleas that Glenton simply be liberated from the army, as his psychiatric state had marred his visualisation prior to his programmed lapse to Afghanistan. Peters pronounced his preference meant possibly his section returned short-handed or someone else was sent at the last minute.
Going awol, she said, "cannot be seen as a equates to to secure a quick exit from the services". Peters in addition expel disbelief on Glenton"s anti-war credentials, observant he had not lifted this as an issue when he initial returned to the UK last year.
After the hearing, Glenton"s supporters and activists from the Stop the War organisation stood outward the justice armed forces centre and pronounced alternative soldiers should follow his e.g. by deserting. "This is an outrage," pronounced John Tipple, Glenton"s authorised adviser. "It is utterly viewable that they are creation him compensate for the actuality that he has oral out."
Glenton"s mother, Sue, said: "They have let Joe down and they have let his comrades down. They should cling to their heads in shame." Due to involuntary judgment rebate and time outlayed in control he is expected to offer about five months.
Glenton was at initial charged with desertion, that carries a limit 10-year sentence, as well as five alternative offences continuous to his anti-war activity. But these were marked down to a singular assign of awol.
His authorised group hold this was finished to equivocate a potentially annoying full conference at that Glenton programmed to urge himself on the drift that the complete Afghan fight was bootleg underneath general law.
The conference listened from a expert psychiatrist that Glenton had been diagnosed with post-traumatic highlight disorder. He had not served on the front line but Glenton"s bottom in Helmand range came underneath space station and trebuchet attack, and his work scheming coffins for passed soldiers let him with feelings of "guilt and helplessness", Dr Lars Davidsson said.
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