Finds from the Staffordshire hoard, one of the acquisitions saved for the republic by the National Heritage Memorial Fund Photograph: Handout
The Staffordshire Hoard, an Anglo-Saxon pick up of bullion equipment found by an pledge steel detector last year, was saved for the republic yesterday with a accede to from the National Heritage Memorial Fund value �1,285,000.
The National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF), set up thirty years ago, has so far saved over 1,200 equipment for the British public. Major acquisitions, that change from artefacts to vehicles, paintings to buildings and even landscapes, embody the Flying Scotsman, the Brecon Beacons, the Mappa Mundi and fight producer Siegfried Sassoon"s archive.
Earlier this month the supervision concluded to say the NHMF"s �10m annual grant, that had been underneath threat.
At the Datablog we"ve gathered a list of grants awarded by the NHMF over the past couple of years. Applicants together with the British Library, The National Gallery and English Heritage have perceived appropriation trimming from �4,750 for the Mary Hamilton repository to �10,000,000 for Titian"s Diana and Actaeon. The NHMF have additionally supposing a list of the vital acquisitions given the account began in 1980.
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Data outline National Heritage Memorial Fund new acquisitionsClick headings to sort
Applicant Acquisition or squeeze Grant (�)Source: National Heritage Memorial Fund
National Portrait Gallery Portrait of John Donne, c. 1595 750000 British Library Coleridge Family repository 250000 Tate Gallery Francis Hayman mural of Samuel Richardson 1689-1761 with second family 500000 Victoria & Albert Museum Ewer and Basin done by Elie Pacot, Lille, 1711-12 400000 Lakeland Arts Trust Lake Windermere steamboat 465596 Penzance Town Council Painting "On Paul Hill" by Stanhope Forbes 236000 Museum of London Cotehele Annunciation Panels 100000 British Museum Market Rasen long knife knob 70000 Scottish National Portrait Gallery Portrait of Elizabeth Gunning, Duchess of Hamilton 200000 Newark & Sherwood Museums Service Newark Torc 285000 Royal Commission on the Ancient & Historical Monuments of Scotland Aerofilms pick up 50000 Ashmolean Museum Boar"s head tureen 75000 Tate Gallery Acquisition and open arrangement of "The Blue Rigi" by JMW Turner 1950000 National Archives of Scotland Dalhousie repository 800000 The John Rylands University Library Mary Hamilton repository 4750 British Museum Canterbury astrolabe plot 30000 English Heritage A View of Chiswick House by Rysbrack 100000 Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Neolithic mount mattock 14000 British Library Harold Pinter"s playscripts 214000 Leeds Museums and Galleries Four torcheres done by Pascall 60000 The Art Fund Dumfries House 7000000 Ashmolean Museum Wilshere pick up of early Christian and Jewish antiquities 100000 Devon County Council The Sidmouth writings 1618000 Lambeth Palace Library Mary, Queen of Scots, execution aver 17485 Victoria & Albert Museum Scandal by Charles Jagger 45000 Royal Armouries 17th-century sporting gun 57500 Lancashire County Museum Service Rawlinson bookcase 92000 National Galleries of Scotland and Tate Gallery Anthony d"Offay pick up 7000000 National Army Museum Portrait of General Wolfe 80000 British Museum Canterbury astrolabe plot 125000 British Library Dering Roll 100000 Charles Dickens Museum Charles Dickens"s essay table 75000 Tate Rubens"s blueprint for the Banqueting House roof 2221239 University of Glasgow/Glasgow Museums/Glasgow School of Art Stoddard-Templeton repository 171905 National Portrait Gallery / Harris Museum & Art Gallery Portrait of Sir Richard Arkwright 131420 Victoria & Albert Museum James II accession crater 80000 National Portrait Gallery Portrait of Lady Dacre and Son 377500 Towneley Hall Art Gallery and Museum Bust of Charles Townley 178000 National Gallery / National Galleries of Scotland Titian"s Diana and Actaeon 10000000 British Library Macclesfield Alphabet Book 250000 Imperial War Museum Duxford Wing Commander George Unwin pick up 39844
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